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16mm RDC - Storm Panel

Availability: In stock

16mm RDC Storm Panel is amazingly strong and highly impact resistant, Miami-Dade County approved. The panel is translucent to allow light in, it is impermeable to water, 2 sides UV protected. Once installed, the panels can be quickly removed.

FROM $3.40 sq/ft

Buy now and get the order by February 26th

The 16mm RDC Policarb® Clear Storm Panel is amazingly strong and highly impact resistant, Miami-Dade County approved. The panel is translucent to allow light in, it is impermeable to water, 2 sides UV protected. Once installed, the panels can be quickly removed. The polycarbonate storm panels can completely cover a window or door while being 30 percent to 50 percent lighter than metal and plywood panels. Panels are tested for resistance to impact using an air cannon shooting a 9 lbs. 2x4 shot missile and passed testing using high air pressure that simulated 170mph winds.

This Storm Panel is Miami Dade approved (approval NOA No. 19-0731.03) and it has been tested for resistance and impact of shooting cannons (9lbs, 2x3 shoot missile).

You can download a copy of Miami-Dade Notice of Approval here

Installation instructions can be downloaded here.






Vented tape goes along the bottom flutes and solid Aluminum tape along the top flutes. This prevents dust and bugs from making their way into flutes in addition to allowing moisture to escape.

HurriGuard® 16mm Clear Storm Panel installation Instructions

  1. Measure each opening (window, door, etc.) Add 8" to the height and width of the opening to arrive at the proper panel size. For example, a 24" x 36" window would require a 32" x 44" HurriGuard® Clear 16mm Storm panel.
  2. Measure and cut the panel using a circular saw with a laminate or fine toothed saw blade. For radius cutting use a jigsaw with laminate blade. Sand the cut edges with 100 or 200 grit sandpaper. Mark the location and panel size on each panel, e.g.: Master Bedroom 32" x 44".
  3. Pre-drill 3/8" holes as shown in Figure "A" (48" x 96" panel). Begin your holes 6" from the end of the panel on the 48" side and space them equally @ 18" on center using a 1" reveal (1" from edge of panel). Begin your holes 6" from the end of the panel on the 96" side and space them equally @ 14" on center. On the other size panels, start with your holes 6" from the corner and equally space them according to the above maximum anchor spacing of 18" (fluted sides) and 14" (non fluted sides).
  4. Slide the end caps on at the top and bottom of the panel. End caps provide a support base as well as prevent water & debris intrusion.
  5. Center the panel on the window and mark the center of each hole around the panel. Remove panel, drill holes.

* Hurriguard is an online distributor of Polycarbonate products. Information and instructions given are to aid and assist in construction projects. Responsibility rests in the contractor or installer to follow the proper installation instructions, guidelines, and building codes when using materials. Please see Warranty details for limitations.

More Information
Thickness (in) 5/8
Thickness (mm) 16mm
Structure 5 Walls
Weight (lbs/sf) 0.6299
Light Transmission Clear 65%
R-Factor 2.778
U-Value 0.360
Manufacturer GallinaUSA
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