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Clear polycarbonate storm panel can completely cover a window or door while being 30 percent to 50 percent lighter than metal and plywood panels.
Panels are tested for resistance to impact using an air cannon shooting a 9 lbs. 2x4 shot missile and passed testing using high air pressure that simulated 170mph winds.
Hurriguard® meets Florida & Miami Dade standards and the storm panels have passed the Dade County Florida Hurricane Test.
You can download a copy of Miami-Dade Notice of Approval here
The 16mm RDC Storm Panel is produced by Gallina USA in WI. Other companies are trying to compare their product to Gallina because of the similarity in appearance.
Business entities (Distributor, Fabricators, General Contractors) might benefit of a wholesale discount and / or special terms. To open an account, submit the form below. We'll get back to you after reviewing the information with details on your terms.